Independence Day! I chose to say it this way on purpose. I've been thinking about what to write for today and decided to use
Geert Hofstede's cultural dimensions to explain why this day is so important.
Hofstede looked at culture from a few different important dimensions including:
Collectivism- Power Distance (comfort with inequality)
-Uncertainty Avoidance (risk taking)
On these three dimensions the U.S. is the highest in
individualism, low on power distance (we are
uncomfortable with inequality) , and are low on uncertainty avoidance therefore we will take risks. Based on these three things is it any wonder that in the U.S. one can go from rags to riches in one's life time?
To relate this to my trip-this week on the overnight train from Italy to Spain I was required to give up my passport and ticket (for what reason I'm not sure). I did receive it, as promised, one hour before the trip ended. For me, I was very
uncomfortable giving up my passport. I understand that they may need to check to see who we but why did they need it for 11 hours?
To me, my U.S. passport symbolizes my freedom- to come and go as I please, to pursue my God-given abilities, to be able to speak my mind without
repercussions. I have been having the time of my life on this trip but there is no doubt- I love my country and will always be proud to be an American!