Wednesday, June 15, 2011


In Global Business, we talk about "cultural imperatives" (must dos) in order to make good business. For example, you may have to bow to your host, present your business card a certain way or a variety of other things.

Yesterday, I came up with a few 'absolutes' of my own. They are as follows:
1. The U.S. Embassy is always in the "toniest" part of town. If you're looking for highline shopping, you'll find it near the embassy.

2. In addition to being situated in the best part of town, it always looks very industrial as opposed to other more "quaint" embassies that do not have to have the level of security required for the U.S.

3. While the U.S. is always the one to be criticized, there is always a line of people waiting to get documentation to come to the U.S. At the French embassy down the street, there is no one in line!

4. Getting lost in a city can have major benefits- yesterday I found a number of interesting sites because I took a wrong turn. They key is to remember to have the address you need to go to on you at all times and then simply jump in a cab when you're done being lost.

Takeaways from yesterday- when traveling abroad be prepared to go with the flow and it will turn out ok.

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