Thursday, May 23, 2013


This will be a two-fer since the Internet was down yesterday! Yesterday morning I posted on my Facebook page "today's word is "legs"". I had been running for the first three days of the trip in Istanbul. Wednesday was the first day that I went a bit later. I was amazed at the reaction of people on the streets and in cars. I thought "it's like they've never seen this before". Then, I thought, it was quite possible that they hadn't. Running is not a common thing here in Turkey and you can rest assure, neither is walking around in short spandex running shorts. It's hard for me not to have an opinion on what I see going on with the women especially those who walk about in the "full gear". They just look miserable. Generally, the ensemble is black or dark tones and it doesn't exactly look like it's made of silk. It's hot and humid here and these women are loaded down. I know, I'm looking at things through my own bias but I can honestly say that I'm sure at the very least these outfits are not comfortable. Then we have the men, on the other hand, who are appropriately dressed for the weather strutting around the streets very comfortably. And, in case they need to freshen up later, they are carrying their nice little "man bag". I have never thought of myself as a "women's libber"- I like being a lady and love it when a man takes charge. The scenes that I've seen play out over the last few days make me very sad. Although everywhere we have been, the people say that women are given equal rights and are treated equal I really find it hard to believe. I'll end this post on a happy thought- as I was getting ready to write this blog- I heard Gangnam Style blasting from down the street at 10:30 pm. It made me chuckle as I thought "we really are more alike than different"

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